ESOP - Aqua Management Partners


An Employee Owned Company

In 2019, Don Baker started to transfer shares of his ownership into an ESOP. An ESOP is an Employee Stock Ownership Program, which allows ordinary employees to own a portion of the company. Don has stated this his intention is to gradually transition his entire ownership stake into the ESOP, allowing for a much greater portion of the company to be held by the employees who work here. The ESOP has transformed the retirement and life of many of the employees. It serves as a unique incentive to keep the company healthy and growing.




1880 Langston St.
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 980-4AMP (4267)

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We create customized solutions for superior water management

Aqua Management Partners is owned by PurAqua Products. We are an ISO9001:2014 GLOBAL manufacturer of Accu-Tab® Acid-Rite® Water pH adjustment Systems. We are also part of the Paddock Group of FAMILY owned businesses. As such, we are able to draw on the services of our strategic partners in order to provide the best solutions to our customers. We are uniquely qualified to handle commercial pool issues from drains to decks and pump rooms to controllers, and everything in between.

Please note that our Company will never request changes to our banking information or mailing or remittance address via email. If you ever receive an email requesting a change to our banking information or mailing addresses, please do not respond and notify us immediately via our main telephone number.

Copyright © Aqua Management Partners, LLC. All Rights Reserved


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